Today I spent some time crossing off my internet-to-do's. One of the main things I really wanted to do was download poladroid and turn my cool photos into even cooler photos.

If it wasn't this exhausted I might be tempted to turn as many pics into poladroids as possible. I'm really into it, obviously...
Fire up your printers!

vintageprintable.com has some beautiful prints that would make great greetings cards, découpage, or excellent gifts if you put them in just the right fancy frame.

Their selection is huge, but their galleries are arranged by topic and color, so you can narrow down exactly what you're looking for.

Plus I just can't say no to a website with a baby tapir on their homepage!
On aprintaday.com you can find some fabulous downloads for notepads, calendars, gift-tags and all sorts. I love this site.

It's definitely not too late for this calendar, either.

Pictures c/o vintageprintable.com and aprintaday.com
Posting Frenzie
My little cowgirl
I want to go to there
It's like rain on your wedding day
Things I like...from Hadley

Something tells me my friend Mo would like these too!
I want to hang this in my bathroom:

It reminds me of a clean, dancing jellyfish, which is sort of my avatar when I'm fresh from a bath. Speaking of baths, I've only just lately discovered the true bliss of my bathtub. Last week, after a particularly draining
day, I climbed in with some olive oil and vanilla, extremely hot water, and an enormous glass of wine. Clicked on the Pandora, opened an old copy of Middlemarch (I heart you, George Eliot), and went completely,
utterly thoughtless. I got in touch with my inner coma. By the time I tried to get out, I was a withered prune of my former self. Plus, the wine had gone to my head and the water gave me the spins. So I took a nap.
And that was my Tuesday.
Of course, I woke up to a million piles of cat vomit, three hundred papers to grade, a sink full of dirty dishes, and a sick husband.
Tee hee. Thanks, Natalie Dee. You always brighten my day.
Anywhoo, thanks for letting me show you the product of my mindless cyber-wandering.
V-day Gifts
For him:
Men our age really need a tie, whether they want it or not. There are many occassions to wear it. Business meetings, the obvious, necessitate a tie for a lot of young professionals. Weddings definitely necessitate a tie for the most part. Dates (pending on the tie - I'm thinking a black, skinny tie will do the trick).
So thanks to Martha, you can buy a tie and wrap it with love!
Is it spring yet?
Love songs
Anyway...onto the actual reason for this post. For the last several years, I have made a sweet card for him out of random materials found around the apartment. I'm insistent upon it - not too sure why, but why not? So for inspiration and ideas, I naturally turn to Martha Stewart. I mean, you have to admit that her ideas are usually pretty awesome. Her cupcake recipes are always delicious and she is of treMENDOUS help with the wedding planning. And just look at these card ideas...