Gus is home and healthy!
{sorry for the poor quality photo...}
The little booger is home and healthy and hopefully pain free. We're so happy and relieved to have him back, he was at the vet hospital for two long days. This has been really hard for us both - it just really hurts to see your favorite four-legged creature not able to walk/not eating/not rushing over for treats as soon as you open the cabinet, etc. I feel so awful for not knowing what it was. He had a pretty serious urinary infection, probably as a result from eating dry food all the time and never really drinking enough water. It's funny because he's had one before and he really let us know something was up. But he didn't do that this time, which is why we just kind of brushed it off, thinking he just needed to snap out of whatever it was the road trip or sedatives did to him. I just feel so awful about the whole situation, I know how much those UTI's hurt!!
He's in such good spirits now that he's home. The vet told me he got mad about having an IV in his foot so he ripped it out (although on the phone it was hard to understand what he said so I had concern that he actually broke his foot) and now his foot is kind of swollen and was gross looking, but he's had several baths since coming home (thank heavens, he smelled something awful) and he's back to his old self. Thank you all for your concern, I really appreciate it!
Poor guy! So glad he's home and you're all feeling better-I can't imagine how hard the last few days were on all three of you!
yay!! i know how those infections can be sneaky. I give my cats food for ph control on alternate days and water made with brita filters (wich I drink too ). Ever since I got into this routine they are all okay. They want to change taste very often so I can't give them food for ph control every day, they're spoiled brats.
Don't feel bad for not understanding what was happening, the coincidence with the sedative you geve him got you confused, I would have done the same mistake!!
Oh yay!!! I'm so glad your little guy is well again! He looks adorable in that photo. Our little pup had several bad UTI's when she was a baby and it was so sad and really hard to figure out. She doesn't drink very much water either, I'm always trying to coax her and devise little ways to get her to drink more the silly girl.
Don't feel bad for not knowing what it was at first, it is so hard since they can't talk to us, and the symptoms can seem so unrelated to what is actually going on (we figured out Swarley had a UTI when she started vomiting and I definitely wouldn't have put those two together).
three cheers for a happy healthy gus!
Wonderful news! Both of my kitties have had UTI's, which can be very serious paricularly for male cats. Our vet recommended switching to a soft food diet (more water content) and we have had no problems since. I am so glad Gus is feeling like himself again :)
Glad Mr. Whiskers is back to his old self again. Poor thing...Eric and I were feeling really bad for him. He looks happy that he's back home. Let me know if/when he's ready to start dating again. There's an 5 month old eligible bachelorette named Seabass in Michigan waiting for Gus to get over his fear of commitment ;)
So glad he's ok!
so glad the little guy is home and ok! it's too awful when pets are sick.
Hooray! Glad he's feeling better.
aw gus! i'm glad he's home and healthy...i know what you mean, i would just DIE if roxy was sick, heartbreaking!
awe, i was reading through your posts about when he had to go to the vet and put up such a fight. totally empathize, our kitteh, Mylo can cause such a frenzy in the exact same sitch.
so happy to hear he's better!!! one of ours had the same thing and now has to be supplemented with special food to break up the crystals. oi vey! cat food is pricey. but you can never put a cost to how much we love those darling fur babies. ♥
Naaaw - poor gus!! Glad to hear he made it home and is fit for fight again :)
Oh I missed this! So happy to hear he's doing well :) I'm soooo scared of my kitty getting sick. xo
your poor kitty! my fiance's cat went through a UTI experience that was terrible! it must be so painful for those poor dears! my kitty just had a stomach flu and it was no fun and expensive!
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