I want!

I have been trying to find these J.Crew boots that I am madly in love with but they don't have them on their website.  It must be a catalog only kind of thing.  Hmmph.  I guess you readers will never know. UNTIL NOW:

I do want these though - surprised? I love plaid.  I've always been a fan of the button down plaid shirt but I am really digging the fact that they're widely available for me instead of having to scour the thrift store (which is still fun from time to time, but they never fit me right).

I'll take one in every color, please.

I don't know what it is about these flannel jacket thingies but I really, really like them on men.  My mom asked me what she thought she should get him for Christmas and I suggested this:

Selfish, I know.  But that and some work boots = major turn on for me.  Maybe that's because I come from a family of blue-collar workers who really got their hands dirty.  Maybe something is wrong with me.  Who knows, who knows.

And now for something compLETELY different...

It's days like these in which I do nothing but daydream about a better life.  What that boils down to is that I hate my job and I miss the simpler things in life, like a garage to park in.  When Badge & I daydream together, I always bring up the fact that I want a goat to have an endless supply of goat cheese :) 

Hey there, Billy!

The last time I conveyed my yearning for a pet goat, Badge suggested perhaps we'll get a sheep instead.  Then we could have sheep's cheese AND wool sweaters.  Bahahahahahah!  I love him.

I would name him something like Edward or Maximillian.  I can do better though.


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