Thursday Randoms
Well. Today is supposed to be the day we pack up our moving truck. But notice...I'm still here. Yesterday we received some bad news from the bank. We weren't going to be able to close on Friday because some forms needed to be rerun. So now it's looking like next week for the move/closing and both of us are completely heartbroken. Neither one of us were mentally prepared for this giant hiccup (especially myself, I am not happy with the way I've handled it so far). Our apartment is seriously all packed up with the exception of some stray things we've been using. It sucks. Because this weekend is a holiday weekend and our original plans were postponed, we've decided to make the most of it. We're already why not take a trip!? With the help of our lovely friend Anna-Maria, we've decided to journey east to Michigan to visit the Sleeping Bear Dunes! We realize this is totally last minute and it's a holiday weekend so we run the risk of every camp site being taken or there just being an insane amount of people trying to get out into nature. But we don't care. We need to get out of here and spend some time outdoors. Hoorah!
As an example of how we're trying to make the most of the situation, when life gave us lemons, I insisted we drink vodka lemonade. So we did. It was good.
This eco-friendly handprinted clutch from Etsy shop seaoats has my heart all aflutter. It's my favorite hue, I'm a lover of design with birds (put a bird on it!) and it's totally affordable. Be sure to check this shop out as she has a lot of other cool things in there!
Have you seen this split-screen love story? The video won the Nokia Shorts Competition of 2011 and it was shot entirely on a Nokia N8 phone. The screen is split between Paris and New York, meeting up in London at the end. It's worth the few minutes of your time :) Via Refinery 29
This Midnight Coral shirt by Rachel Rose is too beautiful not to share. The colors, the design...brilliant!
Last, how awesome is this twinkly entryway? It would put me in a cheery mood every time I came home. The rest of the flat is pretty neat too.
As I mentioned before, all of our plans are all kinds of messed up now. Our closing date/move in date is still up in the air, but hopefully there won't be any more set backs. The bank is completely at fault for this one but it really sucks to know we have no control over anything at this point. I imagine truck rentals will get expensive and I have to forget about the fact that we reserved it weeks ago with the best rate possible. But I digress.
I am bidding you all adieu for the long weekend but please check in tomorrow as I have a very special guest stopping by! You won't want to miss it.