Where for art thou Romeo?

This morning, I woke up with this song in my head and I have no idea why:

I mean really.  This song is ancient now.  But I'll admit .  I watched this movie one Friday night about a month ago.  I was home alone, bored, drinking wine and it just happened to be on.  And it just happens to a guilty pleasure of mine.  So sue me. 

I still like it.  I do.  Really.  I know I'm not alone either.  Just check out this Design*Sponge post dedicated to "living in" Romeo & Juliet.  It's actually cool, right?  And I'm not a big dweeb (as my brother would put it) for loving it (and yes, still tearing up at the end) and still liking most of the soundtrack (that if I looked hard enough I could probably still find because even when going through old cd's I could never bring myself to get rid of it)?  Ok so let's all admit it...you love it too!  Right??


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